This will be the last piece of work I’ll discuss from the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts. After all, the field trip was two months ago now, and all this “current” news is as stale as a Chris Rock comedy routine.
One of the pairs of art we had to compare were a sculpture and ceramic […]
The joys and trials of the last ten weeks are now fading away, into the back of my memory.
It was a long piece of time, something that removed me from all the coffee I served; all the winter snow; all the bleakness of paying off debt - three months that gave me some kind of […]
Solving the Rubik’s Cube will solve all my problems.
While I do not adhere to the above statement, it does make a good response when asked why I am trying to solve it. It began with a passing curiosity at Marc’s house, where I picked up one of his cubes and asked him to show me […]
I saw it.
1:02:03AM, April 5th, 2006.
And now I will never see it again.
It has been raining for the entire day.
I went out this evening for a movie with some co-worker friends and on the drive home it was lonely streets and massive puddles. Now, if I’m not mistaken, anyone as a child has taken joy in jumping into, over, or splashing someone by means of puddles. As […]
In the same way a book is read, so a life is lived.
It can contain many of the same elements: Start to Finish; conflict and resolution; protagonists; drama; the ability to become lost in the story. In the reading of a story from the beginning, one is given a background to the lead characters. The […]