The Chapter’s Ending

Posted on Sunday 15 January 2006

In the same way a book is read, so a life is lived.
It can contain many of the same elements: Start to Finish; conflict and resolution; protagonists; drama; the ability to become lost in the story. In the reading of a story from the beginning, one is given a background to the lead characters. The gradual build up of what created this person to function how he or she does; the hardships and follies that crafted the personalities and character of each; the joys and celebrations that shape a person, all are told for the sake of the reader to know the characters.
And as events unfold, intertwining together and separate, so the story begins to build momentum. With each conflict, unfolded in every chapter, the need for resolution and desire for victory is given to the reader; they become almost as involved as the characters themselves.

Yet, despite the most fervent hopes of anyone romantic, anyone with heart; there is not always a happy ending in store. Where Life and Story depart is at this junction. For life, with all its trials and joys never is “happily ever after.” And Life does not cease after a series of many chapters. It goes on and on until the end of human life. Even then, it is the closing of another chapter, and the spirit lives on. Story often closes itself, with a tidying effect, to give the reader comfort, that if left, everything will be left in good terms.
And although an ending to a chapter may not be happy, they are not by all means sad. For even if the direction that is now set before the characters is dramatically different than what had lead up to it, the characters have to continue forward. No character ever retreats to the previous moments in a book; they never run from what is before them to the early chapters. No, even though no choice is given to them, returning to what is behind is only a delaying of temporal pain ahead and will lead to further and perhaps a deeper pain beyond.

Life-Story and Story are different.
The latter is the basis for the former; and the former often stylizes the latter.
In my life now, a chapter is closed.
The end of a beautiful relationship has occurred, like the completion of a chapter in a book. And although it is sad, and I have cried over it, momentum pushes me forward. I am not sure how these next few pages will read, for I have not yet experienced them. But I do know that further on in this Life-Story, there will be a re-introduction in different chapter involving Sarah. There will be a marked difference in both of us, for we will have grown up a little more.

This isn’t a Life-Story that I’m writing myself, or at least not by myself. And I am definitely not the only one reading it. GOD is there, has been there, all along. And even though things have changed, they have not changed for the worse.

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