As I mentioned before, I have often found Christmas morning to be split. It was half excitement and joy of getting what I asked for (basically Lego sets) and half dismay at sitting through another Christmas morning service, where they always tell the same message. That’s a ten year-old’s mind for you. It was only […]
Somewhere in my mind, this notion of “Christmas” ended up becoming the idealization of a moment.
As a child, I had some pretty amazing Christmases. The snow all around the yard in the morning, and the crispness of it through the window in the living room. The tree decked out in lights and bulbs and stars […]
As I have learned in the last few months, the world of retail can be one with a shadow of money looming over it. And on days where I don’t feel particularly amicable or sociable, then I lose sight of the potential to reach others. I mean, as a person who’s job puts him into […]
As I had posted a few days ago, the city has had a culminated two weeks of light snow dumped on it, putting us to where we should be in snowy yards, shovelling, and adjustment to the season. Sure, the snow may be later than it normally arrives, but it’s made itself at home once […]
We now have snow.
The snow is steadily falling outside, making it’s new home on the lawns and streets, as November finally gets dressed. For the longest time, there seemed to be a distilled tension in the air. The leaves were all fallen, and the sky was a continual roiling grey, just slowly generating the snow […]
I’ve been told that some of the best work is produced in some of the worst environments.
Bill Peet once said that “The atmosphere of poverty” helped produce some of the best early Disney work. The composting of old and decaying materials brings forth the new life of many plants. Even the mythical Phoenix is born […]