
Posted on Friday 31 March 2006

It has been raining for the entire day.
I went out this evening for a movie with some co-worker friends and on the drive home it was lonely streets and massive puddles. Now, if I’m not mistaken, anyone as a child has taken joy in jumping into, over, or splashing someone by means of puddles. As I got older, I had taken less time to enjoy collections of rain until driving allowed a new dimension to it all.
With bigger puddles, faster speeds and higher splashes, the experience of driving through puddles is something all the more enjoyable, with that same innocence at heart.
There is something that I love about the rain. It may be the feeling. It may be the look, or how things look by it. It might be what it brings, or what it symbolizes. I know that it even has nostalgic tones. No, today perhaps it was all these things that made tonight’s late ride more of an experience than a necessity. As the mounting of things to do gets ever larger, I find that times of just being and appreciation are all the more important.

    April 1, 2006 | 7:09 pm

    i love the rain too. i went driving that night, and it was just so… awesome.
    rain always helps me reappreciate things. weird how that works. but very cool too.
    i miss you, do you think we could have a lunch or a coffee hang out or something? let me know bud.

    April 2, 2006 | 12:48 am

    Sometimes it can get a bit excessive here on the west coast but 99% of the time I love the rain.

    I especially love the first rain after a warm dry spell. That wet earthy smell is fantastic.

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