When I last wrote about these guys, they operated under the moniker “Inservice“.
It was a temp name, and it was followed soon by “Suite“.
And now, after the tumult of finding something that was workable, and suitable, this band is now know as “elyon“.
For those who may not be able to spot out who is whom, […]
Monday evening was a great time.
Sam Roberts came through town, playing a sold-out show at the Venue. I was able to enjoy the event with Adam, Andy [Willerton], Marc and Tim [Penner].
The old movie-theatre-turned-music-venue was buzzing with excitement, as the the minutes dwindled before the show got under way. Australian sensation Ben Lee was the […]
Solving the Rubik’s Cube will solve all my problems.
While I do not adhere to the above statement, it does make a good response when asked why I am trying to solve it. It began with a passing curiosity at Marc’s house, where I picked up one of his cubes and asked him to show me […]
So what have I been up to in the last month?
Man, I wish I could say it was exciting or riveting, or “blog-able”, but it’s all in perceptions. I suppose I have done quite a bit of things, I just haven’t bothered to document them.
I returned to the activity of running, I Incorporated a routine […]