The Sun is the same, in a relative way

Posted on Wednesday 10 May 2006

So what have I been up to in the last month?
Man, I wish I could say it was exciting or riveting, or “blog-able”, but it’s all in perceptions. I suppose I have done quite a bit of things, I just haven’t bothered to document them.
I returned to the activity of running, I Incorporated a routine that lasted for April, only to collapse once cold May weather hit. Prairies! Am I right? Anyway….
I also helped Marc move to his new apartment in the middle of the month. It’s a snazzy little river-front piece, that is just perfect for him.
I had my first weekend of leadership training, so the camp wheels have been put into motion. We came together to develop team skills, and discuss policy and leadership techniques and the like.
I submitted my portfolio to the Faculty of Fine Arts, and I have to now submit my application to the University. A little backwards, I realize, but at least I’m finally doing it.

My life’s pace has seemed to be like chasing my own tail in circles; only at a tortoise-like pace, making it a real slow process.
I think that I’m facing the right direction again (forward) and have my priorities straight (in front of me) and I can proceed (finally) in the direction I started in. Well, I’m sure I’ll be peppering this blog with more words in the coming weeks, so for now, I’ll let this settle. If you want entertainment, I’m finding Tim Penner’s blog to be a rivetingly creative piece, so check it out.

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