Monday evening was a great time.
Sam Roberts came through town, playing a sold-out show at the Venue. I was able to enjoy the event with Adam, Andy [Willerton], Marc and Tim [Penner].
The old movie-theatre-turned-music-venue was buzzing with excitement, as the the minutes dwindled before the show got under way. Australian sensation Ben Lee was the opening act, an enthusiastic and talented performer. He played acoustic guitar and was accompanied on piano, percussion, and vocals by his talented band-mate [for the love of decency, I can’t remember or find her name]. Ben encouraged much participation from the audience, who, by most respects, had never heard of him. He played some great songs, such as “We’re in this Together” and “Catch my Disease“. He also played “Bruised“, a song on which he collaborated with Ben Folds and Ben Kweller. By the end of his set, Ben had the audience hushed as he played acoustically, un-miced and un-plugged.
As the change-over took place, and the audience mingled, I found my way down to the floor. When the lights went out, and the band took their spots on stage, I was standing next to Rob and Renee from the Attics. As the lights came on, the band started with “The Gate“, off their new album. Spot/Strobe lights had been aimed in centre of the room, and I happened to catch the first few blinks quite unaware. In fact, I thought I might end up having a seizure. I didn’t, though.
They managed to mix much of the first album with the second, playing “Rarified“, “Brother Down“, and “Hard Road” early on. The band seemed to be hitting the right notes, and grooves and the crowd was singing along quite a bit. There was a lot of energy in the room, most definitely. New songs “American Draft dodger in Thunder bay“, “The Resistance” and “With a Bullet” were catchy and easy enough for the crowd to sing to. They ended what was their set with “Mind Flood“, a jam somewhat reminiscent of Pink Floyd-gone-by psychedelia.
The band came back after a long (and un-ended) applause to play an encore. They had “Where have all the Good People gone” up their sleeves and “Uprising Down Under” from the new album. As they left again, we had applauded until our hands hurt and the lights went up. And as a few people left, the band returned to play one last jam. By twenty to twelve, the audience left and made their ways home.
The few of us left in a group went over to Marc’s for beer and pizza, and I continued my quest in learning the Rubiks Cube. After a few Scottish beers, a lot of rock music and a six-sided puzzle, I ended the night by sleeping on his fold-out couch.
Hi Tim.
The band-mate’s name that you cannot recall is Miss Lara Meyerratken (Gray). She will be leaving the Ben Lee Band after their summer tour to persue her own music career under the name El May.
- Janel