New Band on the Block

Posted on Sunday 21 May 2006

When I last wrote about these guys, they operated under the moniker “Inservice“.
It was a temp name, and it was followed soon by “Suite“.
And now, after the tumult of finding something that was workable, and suitable, this band is now know as “elyon“.

the new band on the block

For those who may not be able to spot out who is whom, from the left:
Adam Klassen, the drummer.
Jeremey Dell, guitarist and vocalist.
Marc Willerton, guitarist and vocalist.
Jeremey Sturby, the bassist.

Saturday night, these guys played as openers to Monty Yanks, at the Osborne Zoo. And even though the usual patronage was not all in attendance, I believe that those there enjoyed the show. As these guys relatively new on the circuit, they do play with strength. They have already eight songs composed, and have a safety net of covers, in case the bar demands a more appeasing sound. With things picking up momentum, they should be making bigger and louder waves in the local scene.

    May 22, 2006 | 12:26 pm

    That is very premium portrait my friend. Did you capture that with your own photograph machine?

    May 30, 2006 | 6:02 pm

    You have talent! Wow, that’s a great photograph. Definatly CD cover material.
    Take Care.

    June 4, 2006 | 7:19 pm

    That’s porfolio material, I think. Oooh, you could compile a portfolio dedicated entirely to band photos and submit them to different bands around town and blow them all out of the water and make seven million dollars.

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