
Archive for the '[Deep] Thoughts' Category

A short expectancy

What could I possibly contribute to the literary world that has not already been said? Do I have in me an original thought that has not passed through the mind of someone before me? A thousand poets have taken the words from my hands before I have ever been given the chance to hold them. […]


Sarah and I had planned on visiting Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, out in southern Alberta, as well as Frank Slide on the Friday. This was supposed to be an adventurous day, being educated as we learned. You know, presumably about herding buffalo and how a town can be spared from a frightening disaster. After the time […]

The Romanticism of Airports; or …Goodbyes…

This post has been in the makings and musings for the last day, and now it’s the first of a few re-caps from my brief vacation.
This whole day has been a long experiment in the act of saying goodbye; the art of letting go, and continuing on. Can it be that everybody has in […]

The Pants Analogy

Many people try to draw theological parallels to common place things, it helps to better understand ones points. I am just the same, perhaps taking a shine to C.S. Lewis’ approach on the practice. And in similar fashion, I have a little analogy to draw, using the fabric of the very pants that I am […]