So as it happens, there is more to Moustache Day than just growing an awful ’stache. There is the mentality that goes with it, and the attitude you have to exude just to get through the day. It also works as a scapegoat for odd behaviour. It really is something else to got through. It’s […]
And so it was….
Dirty Moustache Day.
This picture, taken by Marc Willerton, is from last year’s Dirty Moustache Day event. In fact it was the day before said event. You can see that it is hidious. You can see that it looks seedy. I felt the same way that day, having gone bowling, smoked a Guatemalan cigar and ate at […]
Yesterday evening at the Osborne Village Freehouse, Matt Epp played, from what I heard, a great show.
Earlier in February, we agreed that I would photograph this show, for it was to be one of the few before his tour with the Attics, come mid-March. With camera in hand, Cake mix-cd on the car stereo, I […]
As I was cleaning my room yesterday, I found the issue of Uptown [magazine] that reviewed the Gogol Bordello concert that Tim and I missed. And, to my grudging dismay, it was just as I thought it would be. Here, is the article, as written by Jen Zoratti:
Eugene Hutz, the tall mustachioed frontman of the […]