Still ’staching on…

Posted on Thursday 16 March 2006

So as it happens, there is more to Moustache Day than just growing an awful ’stache. There is the mentality that goes with it, and the attitude you have to exude just to get through the day. It also works as a scapegoat for odd behaviour. It really is something else to got through. It’s a style that I don’t feel comfortable wearing, but I have been complimented on it. It’s something that I think gives off a certain vibe that I just don’t have.

not too good

As you can see, this looks out of place.
On the left, Zen looks like he should be in high school in the class of ‘81. I mean, it feels like the style is very dated. I chose “the Musketeer” look, and even that makes me look like a snooty French artist. With aviators on, I am absolutely hideous.
Jordan, on the other hand, has little wisps of hair, not unlike a catfish, which has caused us to coin the term “cat-fishing” to describe awful moustaches. As for Bea, well, her work afforded her the time to construct this, which I must say looks a lot like Mario. Now that is someone that can hold the look….Mario…..


In short, young people (and women) cannot have a moustache as a worthwhile facial hair style.
What’s the point of it now anyway? I’m sure that is going through your heads. Well, a customer asked us the same thing, she thought we were doing something with this event, other than proving the moustache as an outlawed statement. It has come to be a fundraising effort now. It is a “Save it or Shave it” style fundraiser to generate money to allow underprivileged kids the ability to afford sports equipment. I think it will turn out to be a good thing. Us young men at the ‘bucks can have fun looking bad, and we can be able to do a good thing for some kids too.
I suppose that’s what putting your looks to good use is like…..

    March 17, 2006 | 10:37 am

    Milk was a bad choice huh, Tim?

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