More of whats in store

Posted on Sunday 5 March 2006

last DMD, with Marc (who doesnt have a stache)

This picture, taken by Marc Willerton, is from last year’s Dirty Moustache Day event. In fact it was the day before said event. You can see that it is hidious. You can see that it looks seedy. I felt the same way that day, having gone bowling, smoked a Guatemalan cigar and ate at McDonalds. Yes, it was a day of decadence in the worst of ways. But that is half the fun of DMD. It’s like wearing a joke, only it’s on your face. Well, that isn’t the greatest, either. Hmmm….
The point of the event is to show how the moustache as a style doesn’t look good on men younger than forty. It’s not something that is so eagerly sought after by young men, as it was in the late seventies and eighties. No, the way of the moustache is fallen, although I do fear it’s eventual return. I, myself, am a beard and sideburn kind of guy, and would much prefer either of over a moustache.
So come out to my work on Monday March 13th, and you will see three moustachioed employees. The time to do it is between noon and five o’clock. It will be a day of laughter. …nervous, uncomfortable laughter….

    March 5, 2006 | 2:23 pm

    I hope to come visit you on this day of days. I perfer to call such days “Beard shaving days” cause that’s usually what happens, cause no one just grows a mustache and then celebrates it on a day. What they do is refrain from shaving their face for some time, and then the carve out a beautiful moo-stachio on said day. But kudos to you for shaving off your beard one day.

    March 9, 2006 | 12:46 pm

    I love that post secret blog that you have a link to. Very poignant. It makes me wish I could figure out how to put links on my blog.

    March 9, 2006 | 4:05 pm

    Yeah, that site is great. I heard about it from Sarah. Come to Moustache Day on Monday. It’s going to be bananas!

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