It has been raining for the entire day.
I went out this evening for a movie with some co-worker friends and on the drive home it was lonely streets and massive puddles. Now, if I’m not mistaken, anyone as a child has taken joy in jumping into, over, or splashing someone by means of puddles. As […]
To relate Saturday’s ambitious event, the oft talked about Lord-of-the-Rings-a-thon; I will talk about it in three installments, not unlike the books and films themselves. I had intended to take notes and blog it like the Election post, but this was a much more involved situation, and lets face it - I lost the energy […]
I am in shock.
There was a buzz humming from the talk of customers, employees and friends all weekend, waiting for this morning. In fact, there were a great many people who came out so early on a Sunday morning, even my good friend Mike Friesen from Springstien had called at 6:30, from one of the […]
At 7:15am, this Sunday morning, March 26; the old Winnipeg Arena will be no more. It will mark the completion of the almost four months of slow demolition, with a timed implosion, which will level the steel structure in no time. And then what happens?
The Arena has been a fixture next to the Stadium all […]
Why don’t you ever want to play? I’m tired of this piece of string. /You sleep as much as I do now, and you don’t eat much of anything. /I don’t know who you’re talking to-I made a search through every room, /but all I found was dust that moved in shadows of the afternoon. […]
Now, there is a lot to be said about entertainment and good and bad taste.
I am not going to stand long on this soapbox, to give a tired speech about poor creative choices or unnecessary white-noise. No, I am going to alert your attention long enough to observe this. Please, click the link below, observe […]