As you can see, the lovely Sarah is pointing on the giant, scaled topographical map of Alberta, to where Lethbridge is. It is very southern in Alberta. There is a coulee there. And a couple of Smitty’s. The End.
I mentioned once that my family’s Passat is quite possibly haunted. Well, Tim (Penner) thinks that this epidemic of the vehicular paranormal is a lot more serious than first thought.
Let me recount:
The Passat
It had this shifting and alignment problem for a while where the alignment would arbitrarily turn in one direction without warning. This made […]
Sarah and I had planned on visiting Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, out in southern Alberta, as well as Frank Slide on the Friday. This was supposed to be an adventurous day, being educated as we learned. You know, presumably about herding buffalo and how a town can be spared from a frightening disaster. After the time […]
The littlest one of the Clan, affectionately called Pip, is probably the most interesting character I have ever met. She is a ten year old of which words cannot really describe. Imaginative, is one thing she is. Pip is also quite random in the things she says, filling in the tangents from one topic to […]
Here is a way:
1. Get to know someones ins and outs well enough to surprise them with a delightfully appropriate birthday card that not only
a) has their name written into the joke on the cover
b) has a picture of an old bearded man that may or may not look […]
During my time in Lethbridge, I occupied a lot of my time in the car by playing one of the many Licence Plate games. In the one I took up, the object is to construct a passable acronym from the three letters, quickly while the car is still in sight. For example, as Sarah and […]