During my time in Lethbridge, I occupied a lot of my time in the car by playing one of the many Licence Plate games. In the one I took up, the object is to construct a passable acronym from the three letters, quickly while the car is still in sight. For example, as Sarah and I merged onto a certain bridge, there were always trucks driving in the merge lane. As we entered one time, the truck that-wouldn’t-move-to-let-us-merge had a licence plate reading YJY or You Jerk, You! Another one was (this one was gold, by the way.) Un-Nameable X or UNX. That was one of Sarah’s finest. Every now and then, the acronym would be so subtle that one of us would lose it in conversation, when one of us would possibly say something like Don’t Tell That (DTT).
Well, on one particular Thursday, Sarah and I were borrowing the car of their family friends, the Dempsey’s. Now one more piece of info is the plate of Sarah’s Concord: Krispy Kreme Vendor or KKV. Keep that in mind.
We drive out to the mall, and proceed to do a little shopping at HMV. Upon our return to the parking lot, we are searching for the green vehicle that is the Dempsey’s. When we arrive at it, Sarah begins to fiddle with her thousand keys to get to the proper one. I’m standing and looking into the car, thinking to myself, Man this car is a little messy. I wonder what these papers are all for? I look to the back of the car as I wait, and see the plate, and it is Krispy Kreme Network as in KKN.
So I remark out loud at the neat coincidence, “Look at that, Sarah. The Dempsey’s are Krispy Kreme Network.”
Then I follow it up with another observation, “I didn’t know that they were from B.C.” as the plates were from British Colombia. I look again at the front seat, then see a stainless steel coffee mug in the cup holder, and it dawns on me: my coffee cup is not stainless steel, and what’s more, it’s in my hand.
“This is not our car, Sarah.” I say all cautioned, and look around. As I do, I catch eyes with a woman walking by, who has likely heard that comment.
At this point, Sarah is embarrassed, since she had not been able to get the right key in the door for the obvious reason. While we return to where the proper car is really parked, Sarah is visibly red-faced. I’m trying not to further it, by contributing my laughter, but as I see the plate of the Dempsey’s car I can contain it no longer.
“You Were Mistaken, Sarah. Even the Dempsey’s car thinks so.”
better obscure those last 3 digits, or the Dempseys will find some internet stalker at their door, having gleaned their address from entering their license plate number into a directory.
Done and Done. It looks like I was mistaken…(to not properly edit).
Ha ha ha.