This post has been in the makings and musings for the last day, and now it’s the first of a few re-caps from my brief vacation.
This whole day has been a long experiment in the act of saying goodbye; the art of letting go, and continuing on. Can it be that everybody has in […]
Drumheller is a little bit of a thematic town. It was a fun trip to the museum and Badlands and what-have-you…
Look, dinosaurs!
Taking a vacation is always fun. Being in the town of Lethbridge is just what I needed, and I’ll be coming home all the better for it. Also, Drumheller will be a blast.
Many people try to draw theological parallels to common place things, it helps to better understand ones points. I am just the same, perhaps taking a shine to C.S. Lewis’ approach on the practice. And in similar fashion, I have a little analogy to draw, using the fabric of the very pants that I am […]
It was Friday night at the King’s Head. No cover, graciously, and Aaron Epp and I walked into the dark neighbourhood pub in the Exchange District. We ascended the back stairs, to the second bar, and purchased our drinks. Sleeman’s Amber Ale in my hand, Alexander Kieth’s in his, we found a seat behind […]
I’ve been spending a lot of time here. Now I know that it’s a cartoon; and I know that it’s on the CBC Kids website; and I know that the music is on a loop, but it’s just so fun!