
Archive for the 'General' Category

End of Portrait.

My face-less self portrait assignment is completed, and handed in. Regrettably, I do not have a picture of the accompanying piece, but I feel it was rather rushed, not really on par with the large one.

Without further ado, I present you with the fruit of my labours. I would wager it to be close to […]

The Life of Simon

During the last week of the summer, there was an option in the Crafts activity to make Sock Puppets. Having no pressing groups or schedules to plan for the next week, I had time on my hands. Also, having donated a pair of washed socks, I was curious to see what became of these parts […]

At the end of my rope

It’s been almost a month since starting school, and I can tell you I feel like an artist again.
I have only one text book for the year, but the supplies I need and have to pay for (even with a discount) will equal the average or more for a regular student’s book fees for a […]

Summer Reflections in Themes

Each week of the summer, at camp, we have a theme meal. The staff make decorations, pretty-up the lodge, and everyone gets into costumes. It’s a wonderful excuse to have fun, without having to explain yourself too much.
At the start of the summer, we, as a staff group, decide what the week’s themes will be […]

Summer Reflections in black coffee

The joys and trials of the last ten weeks are now fading away, into the back of my memory.
It was a long piece of time, something that removed me from all the coffee I served; all the winter snow; all the bleakness of paying off debt - three months that gave me some kind of […]

To Sir Connery

( General )

As I was mowing the lawn the other day, Sean Connery came to mind, it got me thinking. One of the most recognisable icons of cinema in the past four decades, has ceased his acting career. I wish it wasn’t so. I decided to write a letter, only I’m not sure where to send it, […]