To Sir Connery

Posted on Wednesday 6 September 2006

As I was mowing the lawn the other day, Sean Connery came to mind, it got me thinking. One of the most recognisable icons of cinema in the past four decades, has ceased his acting career. I wish it wasn’t so. I decided to write a letter, only I’m not sure where to send it, so I’m putting it in the blogsphere.

To Sir Sean Connery,

As a relatively young man of twenty-one years of age, I can only understand part of the scope of your career. Having seen perhaps one-sixth of your films, and learning about the rest from the Internet Movie Database; I admit to being out of my depth. Not having acted outside of high school, I am out of my depth. Meddling in your own decisions is, perhaps, out of my depth. But, as a fan of your work and talent, I feel I must grieve these points I am about to make.
To retire from acting is reasonable, logical and noble. Yet to finish your body of work, your longest career on a sour note, I feel is all too tragic. What happened to the man who was Bond; to Indiana Jones Sr.; to the owner of that completely recognisable Scottish accent?
I can understand the mounting frustration that you may have with Hollywood and the movie industry. It angers me too.
There are so many well written scripts, ideas and stories that just yearn for the proper funding or distribution, but more and more low-end dredge is pandered out to the masses of “entertainment only” audiences.
You have been on record for passing on parts to two of the more financially successful franchises in the last ten years, and I can see the irritation at the missed opportunity. Yet, you have built a large repertoire of screen and stage performances, why must you leave the screen with the memory of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen burnt into our minds? Sir Connery, you have shown us that you have the capacity for so much more. Don’t let the last few years of cinematic down-turn cause you to throw in the towel right this moment.
I strongly urge you to re-examine your decision to quit now.
I believe that you need a last tour de force in which to leave on.
I think that you have within you the ability to leave your career with a memorable, powerful and masterful performance.

Timothy Joel Dyck

*note: this post was written all the way back in June, and then shelved. For the record, I am now twenty-two. … But I still think we need one or two more Connery films before he decides to quit.*

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