Coming soon to my blog, stories of my final art project and it’s process; some Chrsitmas time memories and a new holiday theme, called Blood Week.
Today I stopped by the mall to see Brianna at work. When I returned to my car, I had started it, and turned to see the glove box opened. Now, in all calmness, I thought that the latch broke, since the Passat is a junky car. But, I saw that my Sufjan Christmas CD was […]
The Holidays are here.
Christmas time with the joy of the season. Or perhaps frustration, depending on your disposition. I’ve been in an ongoing discussion with a co-worker about holiday music, and what is good or tacky. Both of us are Sufjan Stevens fans, and we’ve both acquired his compiled Songs for Christmas collection. For those […]
My face-less self portrait assignment is completed, and handed in. Regrettably, I do not have a picture of the accompanying piece, but I feel it was rather rushed, not really on par with the large one.
Without further ado, I present you with the fruit of my labours. I would wager it to be close to […]
So now that regular classes are finished, I can post some back-logged writings, to inform you of what I’ve been doing or thinking or wanting to pontificate on. (This is my soapbox remember.)
This will be the last piece of work I’ll discuss from the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts. After all, the field trip was two months ago now, and all this “current” news is as stale as a Chris Rock comedy routine.
One of the pairs of art we had to compare were a sculpture and ceramic […]