Visual fruits of a labour loved

Posted on Sunday 6 August 2006

For your viewing pleasure, there are four pictures of the more than three hundred I’ve taken so far:

look at the bee
This one was taken at the Assiniboine Park flower gardens, right next to the Sculpture garden.

this isn\'t mr. ed
At my first real trek to the barn all summer, and I got to help the kids learn how to groom the horses. This one is Vegas.

i can\'t bear it
Also at Assiniboine Park, this is one of my favourite sculptures, I have, in the past, wrestled the statue of two bears wrestling.

some beers I have seen
And finally, one of the features of the camera is Monochromatic, and as you can see, bottles of dark beer look rather imposing without the softening nature of colour.

There shall be more to come in the next weeks, I can assure you.
Perhaps I will be able to add more pictures to words in this coming year of blogging, and perhaps there can be more of a focus to this mad experiment in creativity.

    August 31, 2006 | 4:41 pm

    hey, i tried to email you but it wouldn’t work. next wednesday (sept. 6) i’m having a birthday supper for Jo, and you’re invited. call me if you want to come and want details! 223 9079.

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