
Archive for January, 2006

Steak Night 8, also known as The Event that should be titled Rib Night

Ah, it was that time again.
The semi-annual event known as Steak Night came and went, this January 24th. What started as an honest attempt to go out for a steak dinner, ended up being an event in which a group of rowdy man-boys come together to eat all-you-can-eat ribs; use their white shirts as napkins […]

four more pictures

The Attics are:

Aaron Klassen, drums

Chris Rademaker, bass

Rene Campbell, guitar and vocals

Rob Mitchell, guitar and vocals

…before the European tour

A few weeks ago now, on January 18th, the Attics played their last show in Canada for six weeks. They’re off to Eastern Europe for a tour. This was a sort of farewell show, but they’ll be back in March 11th, at the King’s Head Pub. They played a tight set, at a fairly crowded […]

If liking a Federal Election more than a Super Bowl makes me a Nerd, then I guess I’m just a big Nerd

This is the recap of my Election 2006 evening.
I had decided to try a stab at renegade journalism, and take notes on the evening, to jog my memory to interesting points. What I have for you are a collection of notes, pictures, and quotes from the evening. I will write word-for-word from my note-pad in […]

The Geeks shall inherit

( Asides )

So tomorrow is Election Night all across Canada. Will it be a Blue Minority and an Orange tag-along with a French Opposition? A Blue Majority with an Opposing French and Orange swath? Where will the Grits fit in? Will it really be Torytown all across the board? What will happen?! Tune in on Tuesday for […]

New ‘Gene in town

Sometimes, if you put things off long enough they can get amended.

I am speaking, in this case, about my Nalgene. I posted back in August about the untimely demise of my former Green Nalgene. It went through many trials, tosses, rocks, ravines and the like, and it ended up biting the proverbial and literal dust […]