Sometimes, if you put things off long enough they can get amended.
I am speaking, in this case, about my Nalgene. I posted back in August about the untimely demise of my former Green Nalgene. It went through many trials, tosses, rocks, ravines and the like, and it ended up biting the proverbial and literal dust on a concrete pad. Well, I had intended (but was in no hurry) to either contact the makers of Nalgene to see if I could get a replacement, or at least regale them with my story of the Nalgene. But I had put things off, since the summer was over, and the need for a litre of water to carry was less imperative.
But one of my Christmas gifts from Sarah turned out to be this shiny new Nalgene.
It is green…ish. I would say an aqua or teal, (I hear teal is the more appropriate colour) and it has a black lid like the old one. I took out the spill guard, and now have a fully operational Nalgene. And although it has seen no harsh terrain (man-made or natural), it will be no doubt broken in quite soon. Yes, I believe that I will have many stories to tell, involving my new Nalgene. It is like a scrap-book of dents and scrapes, reminding me of some of the places I’ve been; not unlike patches from various countries or decals on a steamtrunk.
Some people get attached to lap-dogs……
I seem to have found affection for inanimate polycarbonate bottles.
Each to his own, they say. Each to his own.
A new nalgene, and none too soon; your old one looks like it’s hosting the bacterial culture of a large petri dish. Or a pint of yogurt. Or something.
I’d say that eventhough you already have a new nalgene, you should still contact the company. Who knows what kind of treasures they might bestow on you. (A nalgene t-shirt, or key chain maybe!) After all, it only took a two minute phone call to Best Buy for me to get a free iPod.