Winnipeg, with it’s on-again-off-again spurt of development and re-development has recently completed it’s overhaul of the Downtown Library. Adjacent to the new MTS Centre, the Millennium Library is now complete. With the re-construction, the addition of a fourth floor has really opened up the place. The South-east wall is one of glass and steel and […]
Former River East Collegiate Drama Teacher, Tim Froese has now become a sculptor. Amidst his bouts of occasional substitute teaching, he has now entered into the realm of artist, by finding a way to market his one-time hobby of clay sculpting. With his knack for the strange and somewhat off-kilter, his cats are right where […]
I suppose this will also have a concert review as well.
Last Saturday at Le Rondez-Vous, a Winnipeg venue, I went to see Broken Social Scene. Marc and I had bought tickets all the way back in October, and I had to do a bit of micro-managing to get a shift switched so I could attend.
Well, […]
In order of my viewing:
Walk the Line (2005) - starring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspooon
November 18, 2005
From his troubled beginnings in the Deep South, to his first marriage and musical success, Cash’s life was no doubt the turmoil that drives a musician to create. The film was done in such a way that it took […]
As I had posted a few days ago, the city has had a culminated two weeks of light snow dumped on it, putting us to where we should be in snowy yards, shovelling, and adjustment to the season. Sure, the snow may be later than it normally arrives, but it’s made itself at home once […]
In the spirit of the Bubble Wrap Game and High Hat, I have been given the link to another, awesome and delightful website.
For those of you who like Penguins or National Geographic or National Geographic’s March of the Penguins, then this is for you. Or if you’re curious.