Books? Where are books?

Posted on Sunday 27 November 2005

He is a \"Greek\" not a \"Geek\"

Winnipeg, with it’s on-again-off-again spurt of development and re-development has recently completed it’s overhaul of the Downtown Library. Adjacent to the new MTS Centre, the Millennium Library is now complete. With the re-construction, the addition of a fourth floor has really opened up the place. The South-east wall is one of glass and steel and allows a massive amount of natural light in. As the stairs upward progress, there are study cubicles and terraces all along the four storey incline. There is a statue at the base of the new reading terrace, which I believe are the letters “T, H” and “E”, but I have some friends who would dispute this.
All the wings are expanded, there is a couple of conference rooms as well as a fairly large area dedicated to microfilm. I’ve been there three times now, but never to read. It’s normally a stop on a list of things to see or do, and it’s one of the nicer stops. Although I’ve never been there, I would say that this redesign has a very European feel to it. With a lot of steel and concrete and glass, it seems to be one of the more “hip” structures put forth in recent years in this city. The MEC building is quite nice and is right in the neighbourhood as well. But I digress.
One of these days I’ll stay in for a read. I promise. As for now, here are some pictures of the new place, for your viewing pleasure.

View One

View Two - I still see no books

Its a THE. Believe me.

    November 28, 2005 | 8:36 pm

    Libraries, the Happiest Place(s) on Earth with the Coolest Employees in the Galaxy… and the most Bizarre Clientele in the Whole Wide Universe.

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