The last few days the skies have been deep grey, with a swelled look to them. The trees are now all leaf-less and stark, in expectance for the winter. The snow has yet to fall, and we all know that when it does, it’s here to stay. This whole time is like a sort of […]
If I could open my mouth
Wide enough for a marching band to march out
They would make your name sing
And bend through alleys and bounce off all the buildings
Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound
But while you debate half-empty or half-full
It slowly rises: […]
My paycheck was supposed to be in my hand on Friday. I went to work, on my day off, with Marc, to get it. When we walked in, at 12:30, I was told that the cheques should arrive by noon. So, Marc and I went outside to decide what to do. You see, I had […]
Two times in the last week I almost had Tim (Penner) spit out what he was or would have been drinking.
First, at dinner at his house: “Uh…Marc, we’ve been meaning to talk to you about your intellect, and what you bring to the conversation…”
Second, leaving Antiques and Funk with a new belt buckle: “Now when […]
Today brings a little bit of closure to my stint as a Wedding Photographer. (please read here, if you didn’t know) I had a week and a few days to adjust and fiddle with the photographs, send them in for development, reprint different sizes, and finally present the newlyweds, Gill and Josh, with their bouquet […]
I have been starting to, or trying to at least, get back into reading. For too long I’ve neglected to read, and when I have it’s been contemporary fiction (as in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which I finished last week at the completion of a four-day read), which is good and entertaining, but […]