I have been starting to, or trying to at least, get back into reading. For too long I’ve neglected to read, and when I have it’s been contemporary fiction (as in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which I finished last week at the completion of a four-day read), which is good and entertaining, but it leaves me desiring more.
I’ve been given a copy of Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas for my birthday, which I have yet to read. At the time, I was planning to finish reading what I had started, in this case, The Bible; but that didn’t happen. In fact, I’m still reading the book of Isaiah, in which my momentum and pace had all but came to a halt. So as a result, I’ve not yet begun to read Bono, but have started other books.
I have also purchased and begun reading Fights of our Lives by John Duffy; a historical recounting of the five most influential elections in Canada’s history. Duffy chose the five that have altered the political landscape and mindset of the government, which he goes on to explain in greater detail. The book is more or less a textbook. There you go. I’m reading a textbook.
As you may have seen the post previous, I am re-reading Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, a fictitious work of Italian poetry, where Dante himself takes a journey through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. Now, he was exiled from his city of Florence, back in the 14th century, and I can’t remember if it was before or after this book. It is a great work of imagination, however. And the illustrations by Gustave Doré are phenomenal.
On that same tangent, I purchased John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the other day. This is another epic Christian poem, about the Fall of Satan and his torment and the bringing of the Fall of Man. This copy is also illustrated by Doré, and was only $20 at Chapters. All the more compelling to buy, you’d figure.
So there is my current shortlist of to-reads. And the more I pass by bookshelves in the Chapters, and the more I visit the book stores in the Exchange, I keep telling myself - “Construct a Book List. You have a CD list, and it has helped you prioritize. This can only help in the long run.” Well, that’s what my logical side says.
Is reading the write thing to do? Or is wreading the rite thing to do?
Sorry. It’s after midnight here.