As it so happens, I shall be leaving this week to begin my work at Staff Training Week. After this, I shall be at Camp six days a week for four weeks. Therefor all my blogging shall be confined to the weekend, but with luck, you all will be regaled with tales from the camp-front. […]
A few days ago, Tim and I went to see this really interesting documentary, called Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus. Tim has a real encapsulating post on his blog about it. For a good opinion, give it read.
This is a new feature to go with the new site theme. Asides they are called. Much thanks to Steve of Steev’s Thoughts (check out his blog) for his help for setting this all up.
So today was the Nation’s 138th birthday, founded in 1876 as one of Britain’s colonies. And years later through mostly non-violent means, we’ve out-grown our need to be the subordinate of an old mercantile system, and were given the grace to be a constitutional democracy, the end.
So as I celebrated the event of my […]
To go with the newly haunted car which I never drive, I have just come into the possession of ( ) by Sigur Ros. This is an ambient sound scape, all songs untitled and minimalistic. It has similar sounds to some of the ambient Radiohead, circa Kid A or Insomniac. This album was always highly […]