To go with the newly haunted car which I never drive, I have just come into the possession of ( ) by Sigur Ros. This is an ambient sound scape, all songs untitled and minimalistic. It has similar sounds to some of the ambient Radiohead, circa Kid A or Insomniac. This album was always highly praised by friends, but I never thought of buying it. There is something about the mellow sounding music that just puts a long sought calmness to my music collection. Sure, Iron & Wine are in there, and Garden State and Hayden, but overall, the encompassing feeling of this CD is unmatched. This is the kind of stuff you can fall asleep to, in a positive way.
Yesterday I stepped foot into Disc Trader on Corydon, and upon seeing this album for $8.95, I quickly put it in my hand. That price is good no matter what CD you are looking for. Then I saw Sam Roberts - We were born in a Flame for $7.95. I could cross Sam Roberts off of my “CD’s to Buy” list. There is something conflicting about purchasing long desired music on a tight budget. I think I shouldn’t be doing it, yet I still do it. This is something that I can get away with when I shop with someone (ie. Andy and I would so often exit Everyday Music in Seattle, a few dollars poorer, and a few CDs or DVDs richer), but I cannot come to do on my own. Hmm…perhaps I should frequent these stores more on my own, then my buying will be all the less. There must be some kind of scientific or mathematical equation for this.
x= Tim^Andy(-1) log(Everyday Music)^0.00(_