
Archive for July, 2005

Marching Onward

( Asides )

Tim (Penner) and I decided to go to see March of the Penguins, a documentary about the loveable birds of the Antarctic. It shall be fun, and there will be a review later. Stay tuned.

It’s only natural in this Chain of Events

One of the enjoyments of Camp is watching other people solve problems in unconventional or sometimes sadly predictable ways. Specifically, this one has to do with one of the kids who lives at Camp, since his mom works as the Horsemanship Director, a permanent position.
It happened to be lunch time, and the other two Ropes […]

Has this Pirate enthusiasm gone too far?

I got a flat tire in the Phantom Passat on Friday, coming home from camp. As I set about to change it, I had a few problems. What happened first was that half of the jack was missing, the part that turns into the crank/tire iron, so I had half of a handle with which […]

the blogsphere just got a bit smaller

( Asides )

So, author of the raridayrar blog, Sarah, has just started a new blog, to put more of her thoughts into code, to transmit all over the interweb. If you’re into that sort of thing, then by all means visit it.

Of Wind and Lightning

( General )

As it so happened, last Saturday held two mighty thunderstorms that wreaked havoc on the poor little property of Camp Assiniboia. As some may know, the camp is dotted with many tall, old and wide Cottonwood trees, many close to two-hundred years old. When the storm came through, the high winds had ripped many branches […]

Some Faces and Names

These are three of the eight campers that I helped with during the week. Zach C. (on the left), who had his tenth birthday at camp. There is Landon in the middle, who overcame his fears of the Zipline this week, and then Tim, from the aforementioned conversation.

This is me with two of my most […]