I got a flat tire in the Phantom Passat on Friday, coming home from camp. As I set about to change it, I had a few problems. What happened first was that half of the jack was missing, the part that turns into the crank/tire iron, so I had half of a handle with which to prop up the car. While I was trying to jack up this car, a passer-by asked if I needed any help. Turning around, I said “Well, unless you have a jack in your car that works, then no, you can’t help.” He said no, I said that was fine, then he drove on.
It was at this point that I realized that I must have looked mighty foolish. For you see, we had a Pirate Theme Meal that night, with me as one of the hosts. (Lisa was the other.) I was wearing my bandanna, my Treasure Island shirt with a big Pirate skull on it, skull-and-cross bone socks, and about five Pirate-themed temporary tattoos on my person, including a flag tattoo on my neck. I then realized why the man who stopped to help gave me such a funny look, as he drove away. He was wondering why some pirate was stuck in the middle of the Prairies, fixing a flat tire.
By the way, I ran back to camp and got a jack from the Director, and all was remedied.
Argh, matey! That makes for a good laugh
tim that is the funnies thing i’ve ever heard, not the part about the tire and all that, i’m sure it was really tragic, blah blah blah, but the pirate costume, that is perfect, in fact that will have to go in a movie some day.
Perhaps he was spooked (as landlubbers are wont to do) not so much by your person as by the Phantom Passat, your own personal “Ghost Ship” (a la the Black Pearl) on wheels.