Points that go together

Posted on Saturday 9 July 2005

As I was drifting around the various other blogs on the interweb, I came across a post from a girl, called ‘just a girl‘ that had to do with bubble wrap. The link took me to a page that allowed me to pop it. Yes, to Pop Bubble Wrap.

Now you may think that is mildly amusing, and yes, it is. But it is also largely entertaining. So much so, that I have been playing with it for a while. As I was popping various designs in the bubbles, I was reminded of that old toy, LightBrite. The grid pattern looked similar, and then I was reminded of the last time I had a LightBrite. It turns out it was a week ago.

I was visiting friends who live in the second floor of an old condo, and in their dumpster was a couple of old chairs. On the curb, however, there were two comfortable looking, if not a bit soggy couches. I mused with Amanda (one of my friends and a tenant of the house) that these couches, if not soggy, would be a wonderful addition to their rather seat less, upper floor. But as it was not feasible, my attention then turned to the LightBrite box adjacent to the dumpster, which had a bag of lights, the paper sheets and the light casing all in tact. The only lacking part was a light bulb.

Now, all of us there agreed that the LightBrite was a fun toy and rather amusing invention, so I decided to look for a light bulb for it. I went with Amanda and Carolyn (another friend, and another tenant of the house) to the mall, as they returned and exchanged merchandise. I half-heartedly looked for a bulb, but ended up carrying the casing all around the mall.

And that’s how my mind took one pattern, reminded myself of an anecdote and ended up recounting the story for all of my readers. All five of you. Thank you and goodnight.

    July 14, 2005 | 5:48 pm

    I’m sorry to be the one to point this out, but the voice that speaks when you request a “fresh sheet” really does not sound like she’s talking about bubble wrap. May I recommend caution when playing the online bubble wrap game if other people happen to be within earshot.

    July 16, 2005 | 10:23 pm

    Well, you see, I had not heard the sound when I first played this, for I was listening to music. I try to ignore the voice, it ruins my bubble wrap experience.

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