As it so happens, there is much more to be said about a wet July. Living on the Prairies, or Great Plains, as some prefer to call it (not me, though ), we are prone to having very hot July weather. Now, the normative with this is that there will be the eventual rainfall, thus cooling off the land. But, as of this week, we’ve been given the misfortune to have both hot, humid and muggy weather (around 30 degrees Celsius) and in the same stretch, torrential downpours and massive electrical storms. The most notable one was on Thursday evening, beginning at ten o’clock or so and ending close to one a.m.
This kind of weather would normally be wonderful at summer camp, if not for the sorry state of the water table. The ground is saturated with all the rainfalls to this point. We have much standing water all on the grounds of camp, and long grass that has grown too much due to the water. Add to that the swelling banks of the Assiniboine river, and the imminent flooding of the Ropes Course which I will have to work at beginning Sunday; as well as the rise and spread of mosquitoes and you have a rather fitting image of my current situation. You see, this sort of thing would be bearable (phenomenally so) if the ground were not already full to the brim with precipitation. I can handle all of the normality’s of the summer, but constant puddles, ruined recreation fields and the increase of soggy discomfort of bare-footed treading has me in a small state of worry.
Yet, hark! things are not all lost! For in our planning week, amidst all the joking and tiredness that ensues in a camp like learning setting, we have chosen our theme meal ideas for the weeks of summer. Pirate Theme had won the bid with 17 votes, thereby securing its place in the July roster. Add to that, the urging to re-create certain activities, and you have a Pirate Themed Ropes Course all week! A Flag, a Hammock, two bearded and accented pirate Ropes Instructors, and some re-named elements on the course and you have a full week of awesome hilarity! Stay tuned for the eventual pictures of Camp, and ultimately, the picturing the context to all these words. More laundry is left for me to complete, and the rest of the night to enjoy (by sleeping).
Awaiting said photo installment with bated breath. You know, I bet I can hold my breath until you post all your pictures… ha! fooled you! I’d die first! Ha!
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