I saw for the first time in my life, the holiday film, the 1946 movie It’s a Wonderful Life!. I witnessed it on the big-screen, no less, at the Ellice Theatre on Ellice and Sherbrook. Tim [Penner] and I went to see it, since who else goes to movies so regularly with me? Any of […]
As I have learned in the last few months, the world of retail can be one with a shadow of money looming over it. And on days where I don’t feel particularly amicable or sociable, then I lose sight of the potential to reach others. I mean, as a person who’s job puts him into […]
Even though I haven’t cut the obnoxious television out of my daily habits (that show Lost is some kind of amazing, let me tell you), but I have been edging in time for reading.
I’ve started and almost completed reading Bono: In Conversation. I was taken aback at how engaging the book is. It is a […]
As I sit here, bundled up in my thrifted beige cardigan, sipping my dark roast French Pressed coffee, I look outside to see the snowflakes gently drifting to the earth. I hold the warm mug in both my hands, smelling the sweet aroma of arabica beans, grown in Indonesia, and I close my eyes and […]
I guess I feel obligated at times to write some masterful post or have some great topical story. Well, I may have lost sight of things. Far too often, I will sit down at the Post page to write a post, and I’ll get stuck. If what I’m typing looks to me like too much […]
This is from Oxford:
• adjective 1 (of farmland) ploughed and harrowed but left for a period without being sown. 2 characterized by inactivity. 3 (of a sow) not pregnant.
• noun a piece of fallow land.