Holy Matrimony!….(Batman.)

Posted on Tuesday 4 October 2005

On Saturday, I was able to attend the wedding of some friends of mine, Gillian Sarna and Josh Parry. But I guess now, they are the Parrys, legally. For me this was the first of many things.
It was the first wedding I was invited to that hasn’t been a family relative. For a time, there was a period of three years in which my older cousins were getting married, every six months or so, another wedding would take place, and the ranks of single cousins diminished and the couples swelled. Being on the youngest end of the family chain on my Dad’s side, it is only a matter of time until it would be my turn. With twenty first cousins, and thirteen married, the time is coming where we will see each other at family reunions. Wow. That was a detraction.

The Wedding Party, for Gill and Josh

Moving on, it was the first time I have been asked to be a Wedding Photographer. I’ve done some wedding “sort-ofs” for cousins, in which I was asked to take pictures at the reception, and of the cousins that I’m playing with. Yet Gill and Josh wanted me to do their entire day. The Ceremony, the Wedding Party shots, The Reception. It was a bit of an overwhelming call at first. Yet everyone kept encouraging me and telling me I’d do fine. I did, in the end. I was under the stress of getting it right, and only having one chance to do it. There are enormous amounts of pressure involved. Originally, I was going to have a certain American friend help me out with it all, since she has a photography background, but a certain border decided not to let her through. I ended up having one of Gill’s cousins help out.

This wedding was the first that I’ve been to where the couple has been my age. I have now started down that path where young people lament at the notion of being married young. Now, I believe that Gill and Josh are very well suited for one another and they do have a strong love for each other. From a person who isn’t married, the mindset is normally:
“Oh, so-and-so got married? Well I’m their age, what do they have together that I do not? Would I even be ready for marriage? I think not! So how come they’re married and I am not? What do I lack? Will I be an old-maid/old-hermit for ever? Oh, why, oh why has it to be this way? Alas!”
That is the normal mindset of anyone unmarried that I have come across. Hands down.

The wedding was a great wedding. It was held in Gill’s backyard, in a large tent. The ceremony and reception were there too. We took pictures further back in their yard, on a large old truck, decorated for the day. It was a long day, but it was enjoyable. And now Mr. and Mrs. Parry (boy that sounds weird to call Gill a “Mrs.”) are off in Quebec, where they are visiting his side of the family. In a week and a half, I will be meeting with them to give them their pictures.

And that will be another first. To be paid for taking pictures.

    October 4, 2005 | 5:15 pm

    that is such a great shot. it feels like there are real people in it ( i know there are but in comparison to a lot of wedding photos this has life.
    one more thing for the resume!

    October 4, 2005 | 6:11 pm

    Thanks for the compliment. It was one of those times when the subjects were just so co-operative that the picture didn’t feel like anything unnatural or forced.

    October 4, 2005 | 7:10 pm

    Hey dude! That picture is great! Really! And I’m sure you’ll find there are a lot more young couples looking for the kind of wedding pictures that I know you can do. Very exciting. :)
    so, if you ever feel the urge to email me a bit more about what’s happening, that’d be cool… who knows, I may even email back! L8r!

    October 5, 2005 | 2:43 am

    Being at Leadership/Bible College, especially with a lot of friends who’re in their 20s the topic of marriage and such comes up a lot. I fully understand that mindset that you talked about. I just keep reminding myself that I’m only 19…there’s not rush, I’m still young. I do worry though about having not found anyone at college (yet), and being fairly positive that there’s no one back home in Lethbridge for me, where this “Mr. Right” is going to come from??? Good job on the pics though…that’s one thing that I’ve decided is going to be done well at my wedding…my parent’s wedding pics suck…there’s no way I’m gonna let mine suck too!

    October 5, 2005 | 6:11 pm

    i noticed this guy tucked behind the groom there on the ground, all you can see is his face and arm. he seems like a really cool guy, i think i’d like to see more of him. ha ha. great pic tim.

    October 6, 2005 | 3:34 am

    I realized after sending you my last email that I completely forgot to say anything to you about the wedding photos you attached, which were amazing. My dad was in the undergrad office where I was checking my email, and was also extremely impressed (I believe his exact words were “wow, he’s a great photographer” in a very genuine sort of manner).

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