All of my recent days have been revolving around coffee. When I wake up, I’ll put on a few cups, let it brew and have it by the end of my breakfast. Often times I’ll have another cup or two at night, in the evening to just sit back and ponder with. Lately, all my thoughts have been involving getting a job and everything else is dependant on that. I can’t plan too far ahead, since I need to organize that with my [yet to exist] work schedule. I can’t begin to pay back my loans until I have an income. There is no point in even imagining how to budget what to save and what to pay back when I don’t even have an income. Even my hopes for continuing my education next fall have much to do with the money I earn and save this year. How does coffee fit in?
Well, the thoughts that come up like this happen a lot over coffee, be that by myself, with company or even just by ordering it from a cafe. You see, I’ve had my mind set for a few weeks, on working at a Starbucks; thinking it would be a good environment to work at. I’ve known a few people who’ve done it, nearly every person in Washington state has worked at one [kind of like the staple resume prerequisite] and most of them enjoy it. I figured that I would love to do it. To get to learn what makes a coffee roast so tasty, what the differences between certain blends are, how to make espressos and lattes and impart to other people a good feeling and a good beverage. You see, I’ve had many fond memories inside numerous Starbucks stores. I would love to be able to work in one. So each time I’ve brewed some coffee, I’ve been struck with the thought to work at one.
So far, there hasn’t been a call back or interview from the first location tried. I have about five other applications to fill out to distribute at five other locations. For them it’s a risk, to hire someone without experience. But they don’t understand my desire to work there, or my ability to do a job well. It will be a little bit of faith to hire me, but I think it will be rewarding for them in the end. I believe I would enjoy it there.
i hope you get a job there. i also think you would do great at a job like that.
ps. lets hang out soon k? sa-weet. i’m free in the mornings, (monday, wednesday and friday) phone me.
i think you should forward this to the starbucks head office or something, maybe they’ll use you in a commercial or something. ha ha. but seriously…good luck, i think that would be a good place for you.
Thanks for the support you guys. We’ll see what transpires this week.
Hey man, I would buy coffee from you.
I would buy coffee from you too!