As it just so happens, the Passat that my dad purchased, in the then impending demise of our ‘81 Toyota Tercel is Haunted. Yes that’s correct, haunted. It may sound like I’m using the term lightly, but in fact I use it quite honestly. Let me explain.
A Haunted House, or Haunted Amusement Park or Haunted […]
Torrential rains. That is one of the seasonal rewards of living on the Praries. Sure, everyone hears of the -40 degree winters, cold enough to stop your mind as well as your heart; yet people are less familiar with the Scorching Blazes of July, which lead to, as I mentioned, Torrential Rains.
Now, it seems that […]
It’s strange how one becomes self conscious upon beginning to express his thoughts to the whole inter-web. Or blogsphere, if you want to use the current vernacular. How do people write so candidly about their lives, on a regular basis. I mean, sure I want to be heard, give me my attention like any other […]
Now as I am sure many of you know, the Batman franchise has gone through quite a roller coaster of artistic licence. We were given first, the television show, which was campy and cartoon-like, which delighted many children with the same “Bat-time” cliffhangers. And admittedly, I enjoyed it for a while, then it lost its […]
This shall be the first of many exerpts from my daily life and experiences, full of the usual grab-bag of drama, laughter, saddness, confusion and et cetera. I have an active mind, I guess, which more than makes up for my lack of athletic activity. Some people still neglect to see the exercise in ten-pin […]